APA Formatting (7th Edition)
A - About APA Formatting
APA (American Psychological Association) style is widely used in psychology, education, social sciences, business, and nursing. It provides a standardized way of formatting academic papers and ensuring proper citations.
📌 What’s New in APA 7th Edition?
✅ No running head for student
✅ DOI is formatted as a URL (https://doi.org/10.xxxx)
✅ “They” is accepted as a
singular gender-neutral pronoun
✅ Et al. used for 3+ authors in
in-text citations from the first instance
✅ More flexible font choices
(Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, Georgia, Lucida Sans Unicode)
B - Basic Paper Formatting
📌 General Layout
✅ Margins: 1 inch on all
✅ Font: Times New Roman (12
pt), Arial (11 pt), Calibri (11 pt)
✅ Line Spacing: Double-spaced
throughout (including references)
✅ Indentation: First line of
every paragraph indented 0.5 inches
✅ Alignment: Left-aligned
(ragged right margin)
✅ Page Numbers: In the top-right
corner starting from the title page
📌 Example of a Student Title Page
The Effects of Sleep on Memory
University of California
PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology
Professor Smith
March 10, 2025
C - Citations (In-Text and Parenthetical)
📌 Basic Citation Rules
📌 Examples of In-Text Citations
✅ Paraphrasing Example:
Research suggests that excessive social media use is linked to anxiety (Smith,
✅ Direct Quote Example:
According to Brown (2021), "social media addiction can lead to sleep
disturbances" (p. 45).
✅ Citing a Source with 3+
Social media impacts anxiety levels among students (Taylor et al., 2020).
D - References Page Formatting
📌 General Rules
📌 Common Reference Formats
📖 Books
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the book (edition if applicable).
✅ Example:
Brown, J. (2021). The psychology of social media (2nd ed.). Oxford
University Press.
📄 Journal Articles
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue),
Page numbers. https://doi.org/xxxx
✅ Example:
Smith, R. (2022). The effects of TikTok on student attention span. Journal
of Behavioral Studies, 34(2), 45-60. https://doi.org/10.xxxx
🌍 Websites
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of the webpage. Website Name.
✅ Example:
Johnson, K. (2023, August 12). The rise of social media trends. Psychology
Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/123456
📜 Newspaper Articles
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of the article. Newspaper
Name. URL
✅ Example:
Davis, L. (2022, March 5). How social media affects sleep patterns. The New
York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/articles/345678
E - Elements of an APA Paper
📌 APA Paper Structure
1️ Title Page
2️ Abstract (if required, max 250
words, no indent)
3️ Introduction
4️ Main Body (with Headings &
5️ Conclusion
6️ References
7️ Appendices (if applicable)
F - Formatting Tables & Figures
📌 Table Format
✅ Table Number: Bold, above
the table
✅ Title: Italicized, title
✅ Column Headings: Bold
✅ Font Size: 10-12 pt
✅ Example Table
Social Media Use and Anxiety Levels Among College Students
Platform |
Daily Use (Hours) |
Anxiety Score (1-10) |
3.5 |
7.8 |
TikTok |
4.0 |
8.2 |
2.1 |
6.3 |
📌 Figure Format
✅ Figure Number: Bold, below
the figure
✅ Caption: Italicized, below
the figure
✅ Example Figure Caption
Figure 1
The relationship between social media use and depression symptoms (adapted
from Jones, 2022).
G - Grammar & Writing Style in APA
✅ Use Active Voice
❌ "It was found that
students experience anxiety."
✔️ "Researchers found that
students experience anxiety."
✅ Avoid Biased Language
❌ "Old people" → ✔️
"Older adults"
❌ "He/she" → ✔️
✅ Use Clear and Concise Language
H - Common Mistakes & How to Fix Them
Mistake |
Fix |
Forgetting hanging indent in references |
Select references → Ctrl + T |
Using "et al." incorrectly |
Use for 3+ authors, NOT for 2 authors |
Capitalizing article titles in references |
Sentence case (capitalize only the first word & proper nouns) |
Forgetting DOI in journal citations |
Always include DOI or URL |
I - APA Quick Reference Cheat Sheet
✅ Basic In-Text Citation:
(Author, Year)
✅ Direct Quote Citation:
(Author, Year, p. #)
✅ Title of References Page: Bold
& Centered
✅ Book Reference: Italicized
✅ Journal Reference: Italicized
Journal Name, Volume(Issue)